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Discover and download our doctor-approved tools for both physicians and families that can help aid in diagnosis, treatment, and management of common urological problems found in children.
Drydawn Bedwetting Diary
The Drydawn app is for parents and caregivers of children who wet the bed, providing them with simple diary tools to help record wet and dry nights: a detailed diary to help build up an accurate record and an auto-generated report that can be shared with a doctor.
DOWNLOAD FOR IOSBladder and Bowel Diary
This tool aims to help parents and caregivers keep a record of their child’s bladder and bowel functions. Using both a bladder diary and a bowel diary can help doctors and families better assess how a child’s bladder and bowels are functioning.
DOWNLOAD BLADDER AND BOWEL DIARYShort Screening Instrument for Psychological Problems in Enuresis
This questionnaire is an important tool in evaluating a child’s mental health and wellbeing when experiencing symptoms of enuresis.
DOWNLOAD SSIPPE TOOLDysfunctional Voiding Symptom Score
The dysfunctional voiding symptom score (DVSS) is the most commonly used tool in evaluating and monitoring treatment progress.